Below is a grand piano, received by a high-risk school, through our Music Scholarship Program, Mount Vernon school district, New York. The piano will serve the students of that high school as well as these middle school magnet school children, featured in the photo below, who partake in a partnered music program there. Without this Redemsong donation, these middle and high school kids living in marginalized circumstances would be lacking the opportunity to have the experience of a grand piano.
CEO arrives on school site for the delivery of a Redemsong grand piano, through our Music Scholarship program, and Fox News interview (left). Below, middle school kids take advantage of a Redemsong piano donation to Mount Vernon High School, New York.
Every day in the United States 2,833 children drop out of school and 135,000 children carry guns to school, while 18% of violent crimes and 33% of serious crimes are committed by at-risk youths facing turbulent and violent families and communities.
According to Americans for the Arts, “Learning to play a musical instrument…requires long hours of practice, focus and perseverance – all components of self-discipline, a trait that many at-risk youths are desperately lacking.”
The art training program at the Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild, in Pittsburgh’s poorest neighborhood, was established to redirect the lives of youths from violence and resulted in: 80% of participants going on to college, compared to 20 % of non-participants; a 27% drop in juvenile crime and a 64% decrease in repeated criminal behavior in preteens.
Redemsong understands the impact and importance of music in the lives of high risks children and schools that cannot afford sufficient instruments for their music departments. We address this problem through our Music Scholarship Program, which has provided donations of grand pianos and many other instruments, nationwide, to public schools, and children living in marginalized communities, in an attempt to help fill that gap.
We know that young people who are involved in making something beautiful today are less likely to turn to acts of violence tomorrow…we are telling America’s youth that we believe in them.” (Janet Reno, former Attorney General, US Department of Justice).
Please join us in our mission to help create positive, productive lives and increased academic performance created through the benefits of music. Please donate below to a child’s self-esteem and hope. We also accept donated instruments – click on donate now.
“Arts Program for Youth At Risk Pamphlet.” Americans for the Americans for the Arts, n.d. Web.
Since 2013 we have been providing instruments for kids in the Appalachian school district of Wolfe County, Kentucky one of the most fiscally deficient county in the US (we don’t use the word poor in our organization). Some of the instruments received in Wolfe County were embraced by children who had never even played an instrument in all their lives and often sit in bare instrument music classes. Below is a child from that school district playing one of our instruments.